5 Major Australian Publishers That Accept Unagented Manuscripts

Erica Verrillo
The Writing Cooperative
3 min readSep 13, 2018


Chris Samuel — Flickr — CC 2.0 License

Unlike US and UK publishing houses, Australian publishers suffer from a dearth of submissions. Why submit to a publisher Down Under? All of these are major traditional publishers, with worldwide distribution, and all offer an advance and royalties. (You don’t have to be Australian to submit to three of these publishers.)

Submission periods are limited for some of these publishers, so make sure to read their requirements carefully before you submit.

For a list of 150 publishers that accept submissions directly from writers, no agent required, see Publishers Accepting Unagented Manuscripts.


Allen & Unwin accepts submissions every day of the week. Allen & Unwin is an independent Australian publishing company established in 1976 as a subsidiary of the British firm George Allen & Unwin Ltd., one of the leading publishers of the twentieth century. They currently publish up to 250 new titles a year, including literary and commercial fiction, a broad range of general non fiction, academic and professional titles and books for children and young adults.

Pan Macmillan Australia accepts electronic manuscript submissions directly from writers between 10am and 4pm the first Monday of every month as part of its manuscript submission process. Pan Macmillan is a major Australian publisher with a wide range of titles under group imprints, including Macmillan, Pan, Picador, Plum, Momentum, Macquarie Dictionary Publishers, Pancake, St Martin’s Press, Tor, Forge, Griffin and Sidgwick & Jackson. They publish commercial and literary fiction, children’s and YA fiction, picture books, Australiana, history, biographies, cooking, health and self-help, sports and travel. It also handles sales for Guinness World Records.

Penguin Australia accepts unsolicited manuscripts the first week of every month. Currently, they only accept children’s literature. Their reading period of from February to November. Australians only.

Text Publishing Australia accepts non-fiction and fiction manuscripts, including middle grade and young adult. Submissions are by hard copy only. Send the first 3 chapters and a brief (1-page) synopsis. If they want to see more they will contact you. Responses generally take three months.

Hachette Australia accepts work from Australian or New Zealand residents. They do not accept science fiction/fantasy, illustrated children’s books, illustrated books, cookbooks, poetry, self-help, screenplays or academic submissions. They will contact you only if they are interested. Responses take four weeks.

Erica Verrillo has published five books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on how to get an agent, lists agents who are looking for clients as well as publishers accepting manuscripts directly from writers, explains how to market and promote your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews, how to self-publish, and where to find markets for your work on Publishing and Other Forms of Insanity.

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