8 Expert Ideas on How to Create Catchy Topics

Zoe Nixon
The Writing Cooperative
4 min readOct 25, 2018


image source Freepik

Before any of your content is read, the topic will be the deciding factor. A lot of people put a lot of effort into their general writing but neglects the topics. There is a lot of benefit to spending more time deciding on your topic than it is to create the rest of your writing. If your topic is not engaging, the rest of your content might not get read. Many writers understand the importance of taking some time out to create topics that are catchy.

This applies to all types of writing. You can research topics in English literature as well as a listicle for your blog. Writing always follows the same rules, although the content is different. Always have your audience in mind and what might catch their eyes quickly. You want to be able to deliver to your readers. This can be an academic writing piece or a fiction story. Anticipating what your readers want is one way of succeeding. Here are 8 more expert advice on creating topics that are catchy.

1. Check trends

Build your topic around trending issues. This is one way of showing that you are clued up of what is happening in the world. This does not have to cause you too much confusion. It can be as simple as world events, or even a specific holiday coming up. It just needs to be focused on what is relevant to your readers at the moment. If you are writing content for the web, this is especially useful.

2. Storytelling

A heading is a great way to introduce a story. People are curious when it comes to storytelling. There might be a spin in your writing and they would like to find out. You have to engage the reader as soon as possible and a promise of a good story is a good place to start. Your story does not have to be a happy one. It can be a real-life experience, even if it is a sad one.

3. Get your professional hat out

When you know your audience, you understand what to write about. One way is to respect them enough to write good content. Choosing a topic is important and should be treated as such. Be professional about choosing a good topic. Give it some thought before deciding on the best one.

4. Questions

Use a question in your headline to intrigue the readers. This questions should be engaging in itself. What are some pressing questions your readers might have? Build an entire writing piece on answering that question. You can do the same when coming up with a sociology research topics list. How could you change the industry that you are in? Use one topic and start with a question.

5. Topics generator

We live in a time where we have access to amazing tools. You can find words to page converter as well as a topic generator. This is for those moments when you get creatively stuck. Usually, these generators will give you a few topic suggestions based on the information you provided. You do not have to use any of the suggestions, but it does help with inspiration.

6. Trigger words

There are some words in the dictionary that intrigue people. This can include words like “amazing”, “best” or even “unknown”. We want to know everything as people. If you can show us the best quickly, it becomes something we have to see. Doing this takes the bore out of a generally bland article. It does take a lot for someone to choose your piece of writing out of a lot of other options.

7. Read for inspiration

If you are a blogger, look at some blogs in your niche. You might find some great inspiration for content and topics. This is not to directly copy any ideas, but just to spark your own creativity. You can also do a spin on some information you read. The same applies to academic writing. Look at a few research papers or essays to find a topic for your own.

8. Brainstorm

Seeing as this is a deciding factor for your content being read, spend some time brainstorming. This does not have to take a long time. Half an hour would do just fine. The idea is to give it some thought and come up with the best option. Write a few topic ideas down and use the process of elimination. You can also ask some of your friends to check out which one works best.

Helping each other write better.

