9 Publications Who Need Writers At $300 to $750 Per Story

The value a writer gets from exposure is the greatest value any writer can wish for. A new reader.

Rick Govic
The Writing Cooperative
7 min readMay 3, 2021


Photo by Toni Koraza/Unsplash

It’s always a challenge to adapt how to write for a new publication, but I gain a lot of value when I do. I love to research new topics as it’s a great way to enhance my skills, find a unique angle, and sometimes be inspired by other writers. The 9 publications below focus on different topics so that any writer can see their story in at least one publication.

EDITORS LOOK FOR SPECIFIC STORIES EACH MONTH If you can find an editor’s Twitter of a publication, then you will save yourself the heartache of dozens of rejections and precious time because editors will Tweet the specific topics they look to commission each month.

1. Highsnobiety

Design, fashion, music, art, and youth culture

It’s all in their name, Highsnobiety. A publication dedicated to the hedonistic pleasures of consumerism. You cannot deny that at one point or another, you have obsessed over a pair of sneakers or Christian Louboutin’s signature stilettos. Highsnobiety wants you to write for today’s style-conscious individuals who love sneakers, design, music, entertainment, and everything to do with fashion.

Source: Lia McGarrigle’s Twitter

2. Real Simple

Life, money, family, style, beauty, and inspirational ideas

Launched in March 2020, Real Simple reaches an audience of 8.6 million people per month. Their core readership is busy women who look to take advantage of tips and advice to “make life easier.” A brilliant publication to hero your life hack, showcase your craft or share life experiences that help shed light on everyday challenges.

Source: Amelia Edelman’s Twitter

3. Life & Thyme

Food, drink, travel, recipes, and culinary expertise

Great for anyone who loves to write about food. Life & Thyme has a large variety of food, drink, travel, and culinary editorials from writers worldwide. This publication is interested in independent food journalism, and it doesn’t matter if you live in New York or Mexico.

Source: Rebecca’s Twitter
  • Become a contributor & send your pitch to Life & Thyme.
  • Rates per article: Approx US$300 per story.

4. YES! Magazine

Environment, social justice, economics, and health

YES! Magazine wants to explore and share stories that are at the heart of humanity. The publication looks for stories that expose the exploitation of Earth and people. They're interested in controversial topics that showcase new narratives which put people and nature first over profit.

Below is an excerpt from their submission page on stories they want to commission:

- Colonization, enslavement, and genocide, and the creation of a global White supremacist capitalist patriarchal system.
- Private ownership of the means of production.
- Detachment from our neighbors, and a weak sense of responsibility for the welfare of the wider community.
- A competitive and quantity-over-quality mindset.
- Belief in (or a compulsion for) perpetual growth.
- Putting profit over people (and all life), including the commodification of and profiteering from basic needs (water, food, shelter) and the accumulation of land and wealth.
- Repression of organized labor, and the working class generally.
- Manifest destiny, belief that colonizers had a God-given right to settle & conquer.
- Unfair and undemocratic global trade agreements.

YES! Magazine’s Twitter.

  • Become a contributor and learn more about YES!
  • Rates per article: US$600 per story (1200 words at US$0.50 per word).
  • Send your pitch: fall2021@yesmagazine.org

5. Artsy

Emerging photography, street art, abstract painting, contemporary art, and art shows

Artsy looks for personal stories on Art. Their editorial hosts an eclectic list of global artists, and as a publisher who looks for artistic expressions, has a consortium of inspirational visuals. To get the best feel for what interests them, then best to check out their website. In May, they will publish personal stories on Asian American Art.

Source: Shannon Lee’s Twitter

6. Splice Blog

Music reviews, music industry, and how to create music

A well-designed blog with psychedelic visuals that is focused on music and its creative processes. Splice is a music software editing tool that also offers tutorials and royalty-free music samples. Shannon Byrne, the editor at Splice Blog, posted a recent Tweet on the stories they want to publish from important minority groups like non-binary and BIPOC writers.

Source: Shannon Byrne’s Twitter

7. Business Insider

Business, tech, finance, markets, healthcare, retail, and real estate

If you’re a writer who loves finance, markets, analytics, and business, then Business Insider needs to be on your radar. Jack Sommers is an editor who is on the hunt for pitches.

Source: Jack Sommers’ Twitter

8. The Guardian U.K.

Opinion columns, politics, sport, culture, and environment

As a trusted news source by many people, The Guardian's freelancer guide for writers is well detailed. Well known for factual and government-led stories, this publication is best for writers who do their due diligence on topics that create impact. A unique story, not covered or covered from a different perspective, will always draw a reader in.

Source: Bib van der Zee’s Twitter

9. The Verge

Tech, games, science, film & TV, social media, and space

Science and technology have risen to fame from the once bullied brother of sports and entertainment. Sci-fi filmography adapted from Marvel, DC, and many other brilliant graphic novels like Watchmen have made being a geek cool. The Verge is dedicated to all those readers who love to geek out on games, technology, comics, sci-fi, space, and great art that accompanies these topics through design and illustrations.

Source: Andrew Webster’s Twitter

How to pitch your story to publications

The best way to pitch to a publication is to be clear, succinct, and to the point. Showcase your writing and add a link to your profile, blog, or other stories for the editor to read at the end of your email.

Before you pitch to a publication, you might want to read Toni Koraza’s article on the best way to pitch your story. The Verge on my list at #9 also has brilliant pitch guidelines.

Here are five other publications you might want to pitch to that pay between US$50 to US$300 per story. The Verge is also mentioned as #6, written by Stephanie Leguichard.

Final Thought

I can think of no better way to gain a new reader than to cast the net wide across publications that suit my writing style and subject matter. It is a great feeling when new readers are interested in your story, drawn from publications with a large readership. Every writer wants their stories read by someone.

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I unpack how 26 Creators turned their side hustles into million-dollar businesses and deep dive into the rapid changes in the digital economy.

Thank you for reading,

Rick Govic



Author: Content Titans -> How to Create 6 Figures in The Digital Economy. Read on Amazon/Kindle. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YQ33TDJ