How Can Those Who Work 10 Hour Days Write Regularly?

Anna Sabino
The Writing Cooperative
3 min readJul 7, 2017


This post was inspired by Daniel Sinnathamby and his comment on this article:

Daniel shared that he has a demanding full time job and has a hard time keeping up with posting content on a regular basis. I’ll share tips on how to best manage your full time job and writing, which could apply to most but there is one assumption I’m going to make here:

You have to want it. You have to want to make time to write. You know that this is your passion and this is what you want to pursue. Writing is a part of your life design. You want to write.

Majority of famous authors started writing professionally while having day jobs. It’s possible to do that, there may be some planning involved. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Get into a habit of writing in the mornings — this is your golden writing time. It’s much harder to focus and write after your day at work than when your mind is rested in the mornings.
  • Strive for deep focus during your writing time.
  • Use any time you have to write — 20 minutes during lunch, 15 minutes while waiting in line, don’t wait to have long blocks of time to start writing.
  • Limit social media usage — what may seem like you taking a mindless break to check social media is actually the enemy of deep focus. It’s harder to focus if you take social media breaks throughout the day.
  • Be always ready to write — you don’t need your desk or your favorite pen to write. Embrace your writing circumstances — write longhand or on your laptop, be ready to jump into your writing zone whenever you can.
  • Plan your weekends mindfully. If you plan well, you’ll manage to run your errands, write and get some deserved rest and relaxation time.

The more you write, the more efficient you’ll become. Be mindful about how you spend your time, work on eliminating procrastination, which usually deprives you of either writing or play time.


>>>I’ll be sharing my May and June stats of writing everyday on Medium and tips for creatives in the Newsletter for Creatives.
>>> Your Creative Career book is available for pre-orders on Amazon ;-)

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