I Am Grateful

In a million years I would have never believed I could feel so a part of so many lives.

Jeff Crume
The Writing Cooperative


“You’ve got mail.

“Carolyn, Patricia, Zack, and 7 others, started following you on Medium.”

“You’ve got mail.”

“Lauren and Dusty highlighted your stories.”

I’m just sitting at my desk watching my email alert go off.

In a million years I would have never believed I could feel so a part of so many lives; lives of people I’ve never met.

I used to balk at the internet. I used to somehow feel it was disconnecting our humanness. But now I see it just the opposite.

I couldn’t possibly be all over the world at once. But through the internet, through blogging platforms like Medium and publications like The Writing Cooperative, I can touch and be touched by so many.

Thank you to everyone who takes your precious life to read, reflect, and recommend my writings.

I am grateful.

~ Jeff

The Writing Cooperative is a community of people helping each other write better. Become a member to join our Slack team, get fresh eyes on your writing, and participate in the 52-Week Writing Challenge!



Certified Grief & Crisis Counselor, Transformational Speaker, & Intuitive Life Coach. Sharing hope, spreading kindness, and empowering possibility.