Why Obama Writes

The power of writing, according to the forty-fourth president

Adam M. Lowenstein
The Writing Cooperative
8 min readNov 13, 2020


A picture of President Obama reviewing his handwritten edits to a printed draft of a speech.
President Obama editing a 2009 speech. Photo credit: Pete Souza/Wikimedia Commons.

This article is the second in a series. Read part one here.

Long before he found politics, Barack Obama found writing. These days, the world knows Obama as an audaciously hopeful (and popular) former head of state, but as Craig Fehrman explained in Literary Hub, “Obama-the-writer came before…



Author of “Reframe the Day” & former U.S. Senate speechwriter. I write about politics and life, occasionally at the same time. Subscribe & more: www.adaml.blog.