Why Writing Every Day is Important

Erika Chaudhary
The Writing Cooperative
3 min readAug 27, 2018


The allure of writing is like a commitment to a narcotic; you can never use it up or get enough of it.

Its revelations reveal so much more than one could expect. Every time one sits to write every time one is surprised by its own created magic. If you write every day it’s a fix for the day if you don’t write every day it’s a messed up day. I have never had an addictive personality but writing is a part of me without which I cannot function.

I took on a challenge of #30posts30days and I sailed through it. Afterwards I decided to take time off for one reason or the other. I had three days off writing. I am a mess. My head is all over the place. My routine is all over the place. Everything else I had in place like yoga, reading, working on my own business all out of place.

It’s fascinating how one tiny detail in your life such as writing can impact the rest of your life! If you think it’s hard, it will be hard. If you think it’s easy it will be easy. Negative thoughts such as ‘I can never write every day and publish it’ evaporate once you’ve done it. I proved I can. Sure some articles didn’t even get read. Some got great reading exposure and got a few followers as a result.

I even got paid for my writing for a very first time in my life!

However, it’s never about followers or how many read your post.

It’s always about what problem are you solving and what solutions are you providing.

Writing is like solving life’s problems. What’s the problem? What’s a solution? Ok, maybe not that direct as there’s a huge variety of writing. It’s what value are you providing with your writing. It’s not about being good or bad. It’s always about the value. We all want to learn something. We always want to know answers to something.

In reading great pieces we always find answers and always know what to do next. If that was the question. When I first read somewhere ‘write every day’ it’s mad! Now I know writing every day is the answer to all sanity. I don’t know how but writing seems to put everything in place.

Those who write every day have their life in order.

If you have something continuously “running” in your life like writing it will be easier to have the rest of the life to get in order. When you have a job you go to every day; it’s your undisturbed routine you do every day; you fit everything else around it. Everything you want you fit it in. However, one thing stays and it’s 9–5 and the rest shifts around it.

So is the writing. Once you have writing fixed once a day the rest of your life will fit in. Writers write. Painters paint. Musicians play music. Singers sing. Simple! Sometimes the simplest thing is the hardest to do. However, it’s all in the mind. If you decide it’s easy it will be easy. Who says it’s difficult to write every day? Who says it’s hard to go to work every day?

We are powerful beings. We create our lives how we want. We have a choice we always make whether we know it or not. You are a powerful creator of your own story, book, article and life. If you are a writer then write no matter what anyone says. If you don’t live your gift you are dead inside. Open your heart and learn to live with your gift every day. Keep writing.

Helping each other write better.



I am a writer who learned to code! I write about personal experiences within a humanist and global context. Find me on Twitter & Instagram @erikachaudhary