Write Now
Write Now with Greg Fields
How this writers absorbs the works of other writers to inspire something new
Greg Fields is the author of Arc of the Comet and Through the Waters and the Wild (available January 15). Greg talks a lot about how he draws insiration from other writers. I do the same, though it’s not always writers. I am often inspired by great works (be they movies, books, anything written by someone). When I experience something great, I immediately want to create something of my own.
Who are you?
Greg Fields, Writer and editor, from Manassas, Virginia.
What do you write?
Since I was young, I’ve been in love with great writing. Throughout my life, I’ve gravitated to the great works. My own writing has tried to emulate the rhythms, lyricism, and intensity of the best writers of literary fiction.
While I faced the necessity of earning a living, my writing was a sidebar, something to be pursued when I had both the time and the benefit of clear thought. Through it all, I managed to craft a manuscript that I thought had some merit. In the middle stages of the draft, I had the immense good fortune to meet Pat Conroy, who saw something in that manuscript that I did not have the courage…