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Writing Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
Common medical complaints of writers and what to do about them.
Writing seems like a laid back enough career. We’re doing something we love and fostering our creative energy. We often get to work on our own schedule, in spite of tight deadlines. What’s more, many of us get to work from home. Sounds great, right?
But writing has its downsides where our health is concerned. Unfortunately, a number of health issues are common in sedentary occupations. And, writing is about as sedentary as it gets.
The range of health problems can span from benign complaints to illnesses that can lower your mortality.
So, writers, pay attention to your bodies. The symptoms you’re experiencing are a warning that writing is crippling your health and you need to do something about it.
Common Writer Health Complaints
Let’s face it. We often find ourselves deep into a story, sometimes writing (and sitting) for hours on end. We plan to break, but inspiration is hitting and we just want to finish the story. In the meantime, our neck and shoulders are getting stiff and painful and we even start to feel sluggish.
We tell ourselves “just another 15 minutes.” Fifteen minutes turns into a half…