Your Writing Progress is Determined by How you Approach the ‘F’ Word.

Blake Powell
The Writing Cooperative
5 min readMar 26, 2017


How Are You Holding Back From Your Writing Goals?

I don’t know about you, but forming relationships with others terrifies me. Meeting new people has always been something I’ve struggled with and it constantly holds me back from achieving the dreams I want to reach.

The best way I connect with others is through the written word. That’s where I feel most comfortable. Not behind a screen, but connecting myself to the words flowing through my veins and letting the sparks fly.

Otherwise, my voice shakes and I tremble when I try to speak up to others. I want to regain this power for myself, but I don’t know how.

So I write. Because that’s where I excel. That’s where my strength is.

I know that to see my vision to reality, I need to be vulnerable. That I must show others my scars and admit that I have problems too.

Without the written word, I lose my power to connect with others.

I am not perfect. But no one is.

And in that imperfection lies my beauty.

How Are You Great?

We’re all great in some ways. And we’re all capable of making great art.

The question is, what’s stopping you?

For me, it was the lack of results in my business.

But now I have everything I need to shine my greatness through and help others live a great life, because I know how to do that now.

Yet still, I struggle.

But pain is part of the process.

A process that is very much riddled in one word.

And that word is FEAR.

So What’s Stopping Me?

Why haven’t I made much progress towards my writing goals?

It’s because I’m afraid.

Afraid that I’ve been doing this for years and haven’t seen much results.

I’m scared that I’m not good enough, not worthy enough, not capable enough; that I haven’t achieved enough or done enough great things. That I’m reaching for something I can’t possibly have.

But here’s the thing…

You don’t have to do a lot to be a great writer.

Really, you just have to start.

What Are You Afraid Of?

The truth is, I’ve been focusing so much on growing my writing business by achieving what I don’t have that I’ve forgotten to use what I already know to live the life I want to.

All around me, I see loving people. I see caring people. Great people. People I could help and who could help me ten fold. Reciprocally.

But I’m still terrified of it all.

The truth is, I have everything I need to succeed right inside me. And you do too.

Somehow, I think we always know when something is the right path or not. But soon fear clouds our judgment and we get scared.

Sometimes we can’t even see the right path because we’re so afraid. So we flail and we wander in search of something else as if anything could be greater than our dreams.

We further numb the pain by settling for what’s average, for what’s “safe.”

But here’s the thing: there’s never been a better time to follow your dreams than this moment right now. Especially in this amazing world we live in.

There’s Only One Way Forward Now

Forget your brain.

Instead, get out of your head and follow your heart. See where it will take you and trust it will take you to the right place shortly now.

Your dreams are directly connected to your heart. That’s why you intuitively know what your true path is, but you’ve spent years — even decades — denying it.

But what good has rejecting your very being felt? Because that’s where your compass lies; that’s what will guide you through the way. And if you ignore it, you risk losing much more than you ever could by following something you love.

Nothing hard is ever easy. But if you keep following your trail of goodness, then it’s only just a matter of time until you unlock the potential inside you.

You know the ones I’m talking about. That fire that burns inside you and is begging you to kindle it and make it erupt for the rest of the world to see.

I thought getting a safe job was the right fit for me… see, that’s the problem! “Thought.”

I see the signs that life is giving me, and I trust in myself enough to follow the path. I will no longer ignore the lifeline it’s throwing me or take it for granted any longer now.

It’s Okay to Dream Big. But Start Small.

Your dreams feel massive. I get that. It can be overwhelming at first.

But taking a giant leap forward only has to start with one small step today.

That’s all it ever had to take.

I’m excited to see where this journey takes me from here. I’m excited to see what following my heart will do for my work.

No matter where you are in life right now, remember this:

When you follow your heart, it will take you to incredible destinations beyond your wildest imaginings. But only if you cast aside your doubts and move forward one tiny step at a time.

You’re ready now.

You’re powerful, you can do it. I believe in you — hell, we believe in you.

So follow your heart. Go carve out the beautiful symphony of your destiny.

Because with clear eyes and full hearts, we can’t lose.

If you’re feeling stuck and are looking for a little PUSH in the right direction, I can help.

All you have to do is click here to download a FREE 5-minute read that will help you conquer your fears today, guaranteed.

Write on!

At the Writing Cooperative, our mission is to help each other write better. We’ve teamed up with ProWritingAid to do just that.



I’m a writer, dreamer, and lover of ☕ as well as a future Financial Planner. Get tips on writing by downloading my FREE book ->